Create Mocks

IDependency dependency = mockery.NewMock<IDependency>();

This will create a new dynamic mock for the interface IDependency.

.NET 1.0/1.1

You can use the non-generic version of the NewMock() method in .NET 1.0/1.1:

IDependency dependency = (IDependency)mockery.NewMock(typeof(IDependency));

Named Mocks

You can give mocks a name that will be returned on calls to ToString(). This is useful to get better descriptions in exception and log code while unit testing or because you need to mock the ToString() method.

IDependency dependency = mockery.NewMock<IDependency>("name of mock");

Sample Unit Test

public void NamedMockTest
    private Mockery mockery;
    public void SetUp()
        mockery = new Mockery();
    public void NamedMock()
        IDependency dependency = mockery.NewMock<IDependency>("name of mock");
        Assert.AreEqual("name of mock", dependency.ToString());