For most samples here the following scenario is used:
public class Testee { private IMyCollection myCollection; public Testee(IMyCollection myCollection) { this.myCollection = myCollection; } public void CallDescribeTo(TextWriter writer) { myCollection.DescribeTo(writer); } public void AddRange(IEnumerable collection) { myCollection.AddRange(collection); } }
public interface IMyCollection { string Name { get; set; } object this[int index] { get; set; } event EventHandler ElementAdded; void DescribeTo(TextWriter writer); void GetStatistics(out int currentNumberOfElements, out int maximalNumberOfElements); T GetElement(int index); void AddRange(IEnumerable collection); }
I'll use this TestFixture for all tests. Note that the unit tests are still missing they are explained per sample.
[TestFixture] public class Documentation { private Testee testee; private Mockery mockery; public void SetUp() { mockery = new Mockery(); IMyCollection myCollection = mockery.NewMock<IMyCollection>(); testee = new Testee(myCollection); } // see samples below for individual tests }
The following unit test verifies that when CallDesribeTo
is called on the testee the method
is called on the mock with the writer we passed to the method.
[Test] public void ExpectMethodCall() { TextWriter writer = new StringWriter(); Expect.Once.On(testee).Method("DescribeTo").With(writer); testee.CallDescribeTo(writer); mockery.VerifyAllExpectationsHaveBeenMet(); }
If you are not interested whether the correct writer is passed you let the With
If you want to test how your code reacts to exceptions you can change the expectation to:
Expect.Once.On(testee).Method("DescribeTo").With(writer).Will(Throw.Exception(new Exception()));
Of course it would be better to use a more specific exception for your scenario.
This sample shows you how you can implement your own Matcher
that checks whether the collection
passed to a method has the elements you expect:
[Test] public void ExpectationThatVerifiesCollectionElements() { ListaList = new List (); aList.Add(1); aList.Add(2); aList.Add(3); Expect.Once.On(myCollection).Method("AddRange").With(new MyCollectionMatcher(aList)); testee.AddRange(aList); mockery.VerifyAllExpectationsHaveBeenMet(); } [Test] public void ExpectationThatVerifiesCollectionElementsFailing() { List aList = new List (); aList.Add(1); aList.Add(2); aList.Add(3); Expect.Once.On(myCollection).Method("AddRange").With(new MyCollectionMatcher(aList)); aList.Insert(1, 9); testee.AddRange(aList); mockery.VerifyAllExpectationsHaveBeenMet(); } public class MyCollectionMatcher : Matcher { private readonly List